The College
Every Tuesday afternoon, staff from different departments gather in the kitchen for a joint meeting. The School Prefect holds the meeting and informs about things that are important for everyone to know. There is also an opportunity to share other information. The meeting usually takes about half an hour.
During the corona pandemic, the meeting is held digitally, via Zoom. Everyone works from home, isolated from each other. At the same time, employees gain a new insight into each other’s private sphere. In the video “The College”, the meeting is just about to end. The prefect asks if anyone wants to say anything more before turning off the zoom meeting.
‘The College’ shows a brief moment, recorded in April 2020, at a time that seems new and unpredictable. The formalized exchange of information is interrupted by something dreamy. During the pandemic, a number of conditions and rules have changed. What do we share and what do we carry within ourselves? Just as in previous works, Marit Lindberg examines the relationship between the intimate and the collective through worrying transitions between the expected and the possible.
Distributed by Filmform, Sweden